A Pink Lady to celebrate your Friday Afternoon - so much tastier after a good week of work!
The Lady has just discovered igoogle's "Literary Quote of the Day":
"I really would like to stop working forever - never work again, never do anything like the kind of work I'm doing now - and do nothing but write poetry and have leisure....Just a literary and quiet city-hermit existence." - Allen Ginsberg
Join the club, Ginsberg! Your discomfort might be linked to why it's called "work" - and why the Lady will never be a beat poet. Unfortunately this city girl isn't ready to liberate herself from the fiscal enslavement that is integral to the joys of Cost Plus Wine, new shoes and Netflix.
Thank heavens that I also have access to the Spongebob Squarpants Quote Generator! Today's offering:
Squidward: What can i get ya, stranger?
SpongeBuck: Gimme a shot.....of milk.
Squidward: Milk?
SpongeBuck: Two percent
Squidward: You think you can handle it?
Ah, much better. Who's Spongebuck?