Monday, March 15, 2010

The Song Remains the Same

2012 Photocall
Hi There! I'm actor John Cusack, here to warn you to NOT doubt the power of the mixtape. Otherwise, you too might up in a project called "Hot Tub Time Machine'.  Just Sayin.

The Lady is delighted to announce that she is on the precipice of her first month of employment since April 2009! She couldn't be happier - Domestic Patriarch is happily sipping his Tom Collins in gratitude, and the Lady is back to purchasing as many scarves and pancake makeup as her new salary might allow!

It's a remarkable adventure, returning to the workforce - crimson lipstick and all. Best of all the Lady has a brand new commute - I've retired the carefree ocean waves for the hustle and bustle of downtown Anytown, USA! It's a gorgeous ride, and as such I've moved from the oppressive jabbering of morning time radio in favor of books on tape, podcasts, and the beloved, hallowed mixtape of yesteryear.

I decided, in the spirit of renewal, to clean the beloved Accord named Harold. In the depths of his compartments I found a curious CD, enscribed in the Lady's own writing (and I quote), "MISC - AWESOME!". I had absolutely no recollection of the formulation of this mix. I popped the disc in the player, and was quite proud. Though, I am curious, dear readers - if this mix merits "AWESOME".

I humbly request that my lovely readers....make the call!

1. Waterloo - ABBA
2. Mandy - Barry Manilow
3. New York State of Mind - Billy Joel
4. Rosalita (Come out Tonight) - Bruce Springsteen
5. Lucky Town - Bruce Springsteen
6. Shadow Stabbing - Cake
7. Aint No Other Man - Christina Aguilera
8. Slow Down Baby - Christina Aguilera
9. Young Americans - David Bowie
10. Faithfully - Journey
11. Home - Marc Broussard
12. Girl, You'll be a Woman Soon - Neil Diamond
13. Crunchy Granola Suite - Neil Diamond
15. Solsbury Hill - Peter Gabriel
16. Big Exit - PJ Harvey
17. Good Fortune - PJ Harvey
18. One Line - PJ Harvey
19.  January Girl - Tori Amos

My inclination is that this kind of rocks. What say YOU!?

1 comment:

  1. rocks perhaps- but i would say that manilow cannot be included in the word AWESOME
