Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Recession Inspired Entrepreneurial Spirit

Pillow around dog

The Lady has advocated an entrepreneurial approach to job hunting and any new and exciting possibilities throughout the course of this cyberspace journal.  A dash of PETA and indisputable feminine wiles has got to make some sort of business venture out of this.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Friends I've Made: Unlikely Buddies

Eco Pup arrived in Del Aire right after New Year's. He's delightfully sustainable! 

Here's Eco-Pup from the opposite side. Best friend and wifey of Domestic Patriarch have taken this boy under their West Side Wings. I'm sure they've already bought him his own copy of "Into the Wild", Trader Joe's approved doggy snacks and the nicest bed in the house!

Then, rather inexplicably, a piglet and a penguin dressed as Batman showed up. 

Friday, January 22, 2010

Get.It.On.: Musical Interlude Edition

UK, Oxford, Emperor Head at Sheldonian Theatre Oxford

For the love of betsy, enjoy This Musical interlude. Sure the electric organ and trumpet sections are bangin' but the Lady does love a good stock photography montage.

The Lady credits her faithful allegiance to Adam Carolla for enlightening her to Chase, Arthur Brown, and Hocus Pocus by Focus. She's better off for it.

And hey, it's a good way to cool your jets, throttle back, chillax and calm down before firing off that next resume! Enjoy!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Yay, Team: Part 3; Playoff Edition

Cowboys beat Eagles 34-14
Football's so grate cause'a the outfits!

When stamped by patriarchy AND recession, it is up to us as Ladies and Patriarchs to develop our own modes of maintaining composure, amusement, and levity when continually thrown into employment situations that are heinous, inane and inconsistent. We like to think this is where professional sports truly serve their purpose. 

January is a rather exciting time for football - an entire month of playoffs! As the Lady has worked hard to distract herself with enjoy the pageantry and human drama of football, she has become partial to a few teams, thusly making her loyalty steadfast and unwavering and a pleasant distraction from the persistent stamping. 

The Lady presents her fabricated biases for this playoff weekend (and hopes to maintain her readership)*:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Recession Watch: What Not To Wear Edition

Man holding hamburgers
 "Man Holding Hamburgers"

The Lady has never been much of a size-ist, but she always insists that everyone wear what fits. Weight Management can be tricky for everyone. 

However, during a lovely Recession-inspired Sunday meal at "The Habit", the Lady and Domestic Patriarch observed a particularly unforgivable fashion faux pas:

If your gut hangs below your shirt, you either need a new shirt or a new gut. 

Just sayin'. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Marjoe & Melinda : Reaching for the Stars

Man and woman toasting martini glasses, close up of hands\

Happy New Year, Lovers! Let's raise our Martini Glasses as we kick 2009 to the curb and bask in the glorious potential that is 2010! The Lady is revived and refreshed, and as the reining domestic champion of "Cranium", considers herself utterly unstoppable! 

Domestic Patriarch and the Lady kicked off the first film of 2010 with the fascinating documentary Marjoe from 1974. Marjoe Gortner got his name when his parents smartly combined the name "Mary and Joseph" and set him on the path to being the youngest Evangelist ever. He even married a couple at the age of 4. We get to watch old ladies get the vapors and people speak in tongues while Marjoe prances around each venue like Mick Jagger, blithering nonsense and working up a sweat. 

The story is fascinating, mostly because Marjoe (maybe in his 30s by the time he did this documentary) used the film as a vehicle to announce that he was a fraud. He discusses in detail how he plays a crowd and the business of religion. The relationship between Marjoe and his flock  it's a strangely symbiotic - we're told it's not real, but the power of persuasion gets plenty of people fainting on the floor and swooning with God's grace. Seemed to me to be the age old idea that if you want something to be true badly enough, you can be persuaded to believe it is. I don't wish to draw judgement on deeply religious people, but that idea is what I gathered if Marjoe is to say he is a performer rather than a believer.

I didn't gather Marjoe was a bad person - this life was the only one he knew. I was impressed with his honesty and the moral realization to come clean,  but I am left with so many questions - do these leaders need to believe what they preach if their followers need it anyway? I can't answer that question though it does smack of creepy when they ask little old ladies to take their wallets out. I don't know. What I do know, that at the very least, is that Marjoe's followers are in deep, serious search for something real and powerful, which makes them inherently vulnerable. Thinking about that vulnerability prompted the Lady to scratch her head, without of course ruining her beehive hairdo. 

The Lady stepped out on job searching towards the end of December. Some may recall this entry which really prompted her to check out during the Holiday Season. Delightful Melinda has been dutifully stalking me ever since with helpful advice to get her $400 from me as quickly as possible. 

Here is a breakdown of her correspondence to me over the past few weeks, as I've not written one word, Ladylike or otherwise in return: