Inspired by an
NPR letter quantifying a reader's job search, I figured the Lady could take stock:
# of Applications: 100
# of Interviews: 4
Earliest Interview Time: 7:30 am
Time I realized that job wasn't happening: 8:05 am
Time interview ended: 10:45 am
Oddest Job App: Referee Coordinator for AYSO
Didn't bother to finish the application for: The job at Otis School of Design that demanded skills in forklift driving.
Job I wish I got: Receptionist for covert, shady investment firm
Would this have been worth working for
UCLA Basketball: "Ability to Maintain Composure in the face of resistance, indifference or hostility"
# of pies baked: 4
# of times I googled "Dr. Mario" to play online before closing the web browser in shame: 2
# of times I talked to Roomba: 5
# of times Roomba answered: 2
# of cycles of Beverly Hills 90210 that occur in 6 months, 20 days on SoapNet: 1.2
# of times Unemployment has asked me to list any job I've applied for: 0
Worst Domestic Patriarch suggestion: Be a Bus Driver
Best Domestic Patriarch suggestion: Volunteer
# bottles of wine consumed: Too many to cite
Thing I still haven't done yet: hooked up the printer to my MAC.
Best 80s Name from Daytime Movies on E!: Sesame Plexor
Darkest TV Marathon preventing escape from House: MTV's Engaged and Underage
Moment of Most Severe Mental Breakdown: Withholding possible unprecedented verbal abuse from the dolt at the City of Carson who claimed I was unqualified to be their part-time typist tied with Domestic Patriarch insisting I'm 4'5"
I'm proud I: finished a 10k and the triptych
I can't believe I: care about football and drink beer
Worst Netflix Movie Rented: Naked Lunch
Best Worst Netflix Movie Rented: MST3K Laserblast
Wisest Indirect Advice: You're going along, everything's fine, then BOOM! Life Kicks you in the Ass!
Worst Direct Advice: Something will work out!
I still need: a montage
Most Anal Retentive House Cleaning Task Performed: Cleaning the windowsills.
A strange bald man wearing loafers and no socks advised me recently to be enterprenurial when job hunting, and that the only real sport is baseball. He is completely wrong about baseball but he's probably right about the the hunt.
I do hope the next 6 months are fruitful, but in the meantime I've got a great cocktail of shame, pride, bad comedy, hearty libations and colorful company to help Domestic Patriarch and myself enjoy our enterprenurial adventure.